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Stage Schutz von Maschinen

Protecting machines

The long-term availability and top performance of your vehicles requires regular maintenance and repairs. Preventing accidents and damages also plays an important part in prrotecting your machines. Our numerous assistance systems and services support you in keeping your warehouse operations safe.

Content Gesundheit 3

Shock sensor

Preventing impact damages.

The Jungheinrich shock sensor records the reaction of the vehicle to shocks due to accidents, while preventing further damages by analysing the collected data. The sensor module reacts to impacts and sets off an acoustic and visual warning. The truck automatically shuts down and can be reactivated using the transponder key or control unit. The shock sensor can easily be retrofitted in Jungheinrich vehicles at low cost.

Your benefits:

  • Preventing accidents and enhancing warehouse safety
  • Avoiding impact damages to your trucks
  • Easy and cost-effective retrofitting

Stage Dividende

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