Order picking requires the human/machine interface to function flawlessly at all times. With our order pickers, you will not only increase your pick rates at reach heights of up to eleven metres, but will also benefit from enhanced travel safety and efficiency – even under the toughest conditions.
Height-adjustable steering units, PIN activation and individual travel programs for low to high speeds, not only raise the quality of your work, but also ensure a high level of comfort. The tougher the conditions, the more impressive the performance of our medium/high-level and low-level order pickers. Thanks to rapid battery replacement, even multiple consecutive shifts are no problem for the electric order pickers.
A wide range of options allows you to adapt our order pickers to your own individual logistics profile. With pedestrian mode for example, you can quickly pick up goods from picking locations positioned close together. Moreover, an optical sensor mounted on the load section can automatically lower pallets to an ideal working height. These and many other extras allow you to enhance the safety and efficiency of your employees. We are happy to assist you in making your selection.
Do you perform frequent order picking at the first or second rack level? Our order pickers will help you to complete your workload in a highly efficient manner: with the aid of a hydraulically raised stand-on platform, which is operated via a convenient foot switch. As a further benefit, footsteps and railings allow you to work at higher racks in the utmost comfort and with maximum safety.
Our entire range of electric order pickers is characterised by extremely robust construction. This is highlighted by the impressive load capacity: Our low-level order pickers, for instance, can lift up to three pallets weighing up to 2.5 tons with their 2.4 metre long forks. An 8 millimetre steel frame and raised frame apron ensure that you always work in the utmost safety.
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